
Leverhulme Academy Trust

Leverhulme Academy Trust

Sixth Form Open Evening

Friday, 4th October 2024

On Thursday, 3rd October 2024, Rivington and Blackrod Sixth Form held its first Open Evening of the academic year. Year 11 students from schools across the local area were invited to learn more about the broad range of subjects on offer and to explore the Sixth Form’s modern facilities. The evening included a talk from the Head of School, Mrs Walmsley, and the Director of Sixth Form, Mrs  Janine Stephens, along with enthusiastic speeches from members of the student leadership team, Jess and Tim, who shared their experiences.

Local universities, Alliance Learning, and representatives from career opportunities in the armed forces were also present to highlight the importance of considering the next steps in Sixth Form and beyond. The event marked the start of the application process for current Year 11 students, with applications now open. Students can apply for a place via the school website at www.rbhs.co.uk/applynow/

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