
Leverhulme Academy Trust

Leverhulme Academy Trust


All applications to our schools and sixth form provision will be considered without reference to the order in which the school is expressed as a preference. Children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that names the preferred school will be offered places first.

How to apply to our secondary schools

If you’d like to apply for a place at one of our secondary schools, you must indicate your preference on the Local Authority application form. To apply online, click here >

Alternatively, if you need free, independent, and impartial support to help you with the admissions process, please contact the Admissions Team on 01204 332 137.

Please visit the school websites direct to read the full admissions policies:

How to apply to Rivington & Blackrod Sixth Form

If you are interested in attending Rivington and Blackrod Sixth Form, please contact them direct to arrange an informal chat. RBSF welcome students from all schools.

To apply, please complete the online application via the link below. Applications are accepted at any time.

Online Application Form >

